You want to have enough income to enjoy a happy and fulfilling retirement. 

So it’s well worth thinking about roughly when you wish to stop working and letting us know.

You can change your target retirement age whenever you want, but if you let us know what you have in mind, we can make the right choices for you and correctly project the value of your pension in retirement.

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Update your details through the Member Portal

If you intend to retire earlier or later than 65, you can tell us via the Creative Pension Trust Member Portal, where you can easily change your target retirement age, and you won’t have to take your pension benefits until you are ready.

What are my options when I reach retirement age?

Leave it to grow

You don’t need to decide what you want to do with your Creative Pension Trust pension savings if you still want to carry on working and saving. You can keep your membership and continue.

Secure a guaranteed regular income

You can use some or all of your pension savings to buy an annuity, a plan that provides a guaranteed income for either a fixed term or for the rest of your life.

Take all your savings in one go

You can access all your pension savings at once, similar to making a withdrawal from a savings account, although this will have tax implications and you will need other sources of retirement income.

Draw it gradually

You can access your pension savings flexibly, topping up your income as and when you need to, but leaving the rest of your savings to continue growing.

Find out more

Telling us your planned retirement age helps us to help you. Take control of your pension with the Creative Pension Trust Member Portal.

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Problems logging in?

Find out how to access the Creative Pension Trust Member Portal.

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How do I find my username?

You’ll receive your username by email after you join us and make your first contribution. If you can’t find your username, you can retrieve it through the Creative Pension Trust Member Portal log-in page.

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How do I reset my password?

If you’ve forgotten your password, it can be reset from the Creative Pension Trust Member Portal log-in page. You just need your current username and to be able to answer one of your security questions.

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How do I unlock my account?

For security reasons, your account will be locked if you make five unsuccessful attempts to log in. You can contact us to request that your account is unlocked.

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